Thursday, August 28, 2014

Time to Catch Up With Our Students!

Yesterday marked the beginning of my 26th year as a teacher as our district opened for staff with a bang.  Mr. Eric Sheninger, practitioner, speaker, researcher, leader and educator extraordinaire, gave the keynote and followed up with 2 informative and engaging sessions filled with new tools, ideas and reasons to be inspired. His book, Digital Leadership, is a must read for all educators.
I am optimistic that every staff member left one or more sessions inspired for the new year. I acknowledge that not everyone was ready to hear his message: TIME TO CATCH UP WITH OUR STUDENTS in the world in which they live by ENGAGING THEM!! But, I hope that every teacher in the room heard that it is no longer acceptable to say, "I don't do technology." Eric reminded us all that our students live in a high tech, multi-tasking, engaging world and then are forced into a traditional, industrialized and often, stifling  environment. The STAND AND DELIVER method of teaching from a text book day in and day out is obsolete. It is time for EVERY TEACHER to ENGAGE students in learning that is meaningful to them. My goal is to take student engagement to an all-time high in my classes this year.

I am an early-adopter who jumps into the deep end of the pool with anything that I feel will enhance my instruction. But, learning how to fail gracefully or deal with technological glitches (both of which are inevitable) did not come to me easily. It took me a few years to buy into that mantra. I believe that my Principal, Lisa Meade, is a big part of the reason that I am willing to take risks and try new things to engage my students. She models risk-taking and encourages teachers to do the same. So, fear of failure is not an excuse to play it safe in our school.
My students have been bringing their own devices for a few years now, using them in a variety of ways. I have taught them some new tools that enhance learning. But, they have also taught me and advocated for even more creative uses of their technology. Learning to give up the control and allow them to take the lead is a skill on which I continue to work.
"Technology affords students unlimited opportunities for learning and demonstrating what they have learned." (Eric Sheninger, Corinth CSD, 8/27/14). WOW! I had never thought of  it that way. Why should we limit, take away and even punish students for using devices that are an absolute necessity everywhere else outside our doors? It is illogical.

I was so happy to see so many of my colleagues attending the optional session 2 in our day. It reflected an interest to learn more, hear more of the specifics to execute some of the big ideas in the keynote. Bravo to those who MADE THE TIME to be present and learn. I work with some incredible teachers!

I elected to attend the third session on Professional Learning Networks as well. (Yes, it was a lot of learning in one day. But, when I have the rare gift of a national speaker/author in my small, rural upstate school district, I do not miss one minute of his sharing!) I was not disappointed. It was empowering to be in a room filled mostly with leaders from area school districts  acquiring new tools and validating the importance of a PLN. I am still a rookie in the PLN category, but am blessed with an incredible PLN of educational leaders and a fellow teacher from all across NYS. My PLN is a gift that has inspired me, made me brave and even encouraged me to make some big changes at school. A big shout out to my first ever PLN peeps: Lisa Meade, Vicki Day, Christina Luce, Tim Dawkins and Peter DeWitt. You all inspire me in too many ways to mention here! THANK YOU!

Twitter has also become a larger PLN of sorts for me. I have learned how to access ideas, materials and support 24/7 at my fingertips. It has rocked my professional world. One of my favorite parts is the CHATS. I lurk more than participate, but I always leave a chat with new ideas. Eric touted Twitter and broadened my scope and understanding of this incredible tool that helps me to continue my on-going learning.

Eric - I want to say thank you for courageously raising the consciousness of every staff member in our school district. You empowered us all to make student engagement a priority, a necessity with a plethora of ideas on how to do so. From the informal chats and buzz, I know that your visit made a difference that will directly impact our students! (Thanks, too, for making me feel brave enough to write my second blog - ever!)

If you are an educator or parent reading my blog, I urge you to explore Twitter and follow Eric Sheninger:
@NMHS_Principal  You will not be disappointed.
Find me, too: @PurplePatti09

I wish much success to all of the teachers, staff and most importantly, students and their families as we all start a new school year! May student engagement be the goal of every teacher in every school, instilling a desire and the motivation for students to become independent and life-long learners.