Friday, January 1, 2016

#ONEWORD for 2016: BEST

My Principal, Lisa Meade, has asked all in our building to identify ONE WORD that sums up 2016 for us and post it outside our classrooms next week. As I pondered this idea, I kicked around lots of options: POSITIVE, PASSION, CHANGE. But, I decided on BEST!

Our family was devastated with a loss this year, Coach/Dr. Mike Guido. In the many years that he coached Mike through little league, all-stars, Cooperstown and the ENYTB travel ball, he brought out the best in our son. One of my favorite calls from the third base line or the dug out was and always will be, "GIVE ME YOUR BEST, MICHAEL SIANO!" or "GIVE ME YOUR BEST, QUEENSBURY!"
Thank you for giving us your best, coach...and for giving me my #oneword for 2016 as our family embarks on new ahtletic experiences together.

In 2016...
I will continue to be the BEST mom that I can. Being a mom comes first, before anything and anyone! I am so proud of my son and hope that he will always know how he changed my life the day he was born. Words do not do justice to how full my heart is as his mom.

I will strive to be the BEST wife, friend and family member that I can be. God has blessed  me with amazing people in my life. My husband, Peter, is my best friend.  I feel fortunate that I reconnected with my cousins in 2015 and have a goal of continuing to connect and spend time together! I cherish my friends, some of whom have become like family to me.

I will never stop working at honing my craft, being the BEST teacher I can! It is my goal to stay positive, despite the on-going changes in education and some of the negativity on which some seem to thrive and focus. I will continue to read, train and be the life-long learner that is necessary to be a great educator.

I will ask for and facilitate the BEST from each one of my students. I will also strive to better understand what the best is for each individual student, helping them all to reach higher!

Finally, I will continue to work towards my optimal health and be the BEST me that I can be. The year 2015 was a banner year when I discovered what healthy living is all about. Thanks to my health coach and the Take Shape for Life program, I lost 79 pounds and am nearing my goal weight. But, today, I have discovered that a "healthy lifestyle" is not a cliche for just skinny people! After years of fad super diets (Atkins, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast, Grapefruit Diet, Cabbage Soup diet, just to name a few), I discovered optimal health with Donna Smaldone. I am convinced that my dad in heaven sent me Donna to avoid some other drastic choices that were not meant for me. She has been a gift to me and my family. If you are making a resolution to be healthier in 2016 and need support, reach out to Donna. She will rock your world as she did mine (ours).

During this year, I transformed my life to one of good health and my family has joined me on the journey. So, as the calendar page turns, I no longer make resolutions to lose weight or begin exercising. I promise myself to CONTINUE the journey in 2016 to my BEST physical, emotional and spiritual health, my goal weight being just one stop along the way.

I wish the BEST new year to all!!

Just a few pics to remind me of how far I have come...inspiration to be the BEST!

JANUARY 2015 - Where the journey began...

Some great moments of my the journey to optimal health continues...
Significant milestones along the way...