Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What do YOU think about NYS 3-8 Assessments?

NY Educator Voice Fellows attended EdCampLI this past weekend and posed the question to participants: What do you think about the NYS 3-8 Assessments.
If you have never been to an EdCamp, you are missing out! EdCamp is the quintessential UNCONFERENCE! It is personalized professional development driven by the participants! A session board is created and attendees post ideas for sessions that they are willing to facilitate. No planning is necessary. It is a fluid conversation among professionals who give up a Saturday in to continue learning and networking with other educators.

Among the participants in the second annual EdCampLI were NY Educator Voice Fellows, Lisa Meade (Middle School Principal), Denise Toscano (Elementary Principal) and me (middle school teacher)! We were fortunate to have Lead Fellow, Kim Hardwick, joining us in support of our venture. A little over a month ago, we decided to build on an activity in our training, discussing and evaluating samples of NYS tests after questions were released, for the purpose of giving feedback to Commissioner Elia. We anticipated reviewing tests for feedback from fellow educators, expanding the viewpoints beyond our fellowship group. In the last year, the media has been blowing up with citizens' views on testing and the Common Core Learning Standards. However, how many have ever seen the test??? How many people formed opinions without adequate knowledge of the tests?

Armed with copies of the tests and a plan for our session, we embarked on our mission. What we did not expect at our EdCamp session was to have parents present! Some participants were parents from the community, others were parent-educators. But, the conversation about testing was driven from the parent standpoint.
The honesty of the participants was refreshing. As a teacher, I was touched by parents whose greatest objection to testing was NOT the tests themselves, but rather the fact that they are tied to teacher evaluation. Several present believed that they were supporting teachers by opting their students out of tests. However, nothing could be more inaccurate. We did our best to dispel the myths and facilitate meaningful discussion.

We did bring the session to a close with some powerful discussion on differentiated instruction, equal access to Common Core Learning Standards and assessments, raising the bar in education to better prepare our students for higher education and their careers and our new Commissioner! A majority of our session participants were encouraged by Commissioner Elia's commitment to open communication between educators, parents and those empowered to bring about change. We are committed as NY Ed Fellows, to bring the feedback to policymakers and our Commissioner. 

Energized by our session, we continued our day of learning by attending many sessions on School Culture, Innovation, Technology, Standards-based grading and much more! Kudos to the EdCampLi Organization Team for a great event, hosted by Jericho Middle School! Hundreds of educators and parents from all over NY and other states gathered to network, learn and spend quality time together. It was a stellar experience that has me inspired and grateful to have been surrounded by so many who embrace a growth mindset!

Find an EdCamp near you and check it out!! You will not be disappointed!!

NY Educator Voice Fellows at EdCampLI 2015 in Jericho, NY!

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